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Review: Maglula UpLULA Reloader
This review of the Maglula Uplula reloader won’t be a very long one as theres not a ton to talk about. So lets jump into it.
The quality of the Maglula Uplula is very good. I have loaded a couple thousand rounds using it and it shows no signs of wearing out. The only signs of use are on its feed ramp and thats just normal wear as far as I can tell.
Once you get used to the motions of loading with the reloader its a snap. (please watch video) For some it may take some time to learn the coordination but in the end it becomes very easy you just have to get the rhythm down.
The Uplula is very useful for many reason. The main reasons I personally found it useful is because its much faster then loading by hand, stops your hands getting cramped when reloading a lot in one session. It also helps when trying to load the Smith & Wesson 9mm mags as I find them almost impossible to load by hand. (must be a trick to do it that I don’t know about) Glock mags when new are also a big pain to load the last 4 or so rounds in and this makes it a breeze.
Another big benefit is for people with less hand strength, women with long nails or people with some sort of hand issue. My mom after getting the rhythm down finds the device to be a life saver. As she has a few of the issues above and probably would not be able to load full mags without it.
- Maglula Uplula Reloader
- Left Side
- Right Side
- Top View
- Bottom
- Back
- Front
I have only used the Uplula to load 4 Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm magazines and the Glock 17 factory magazine and a Magpul Glock 17 PMAG. Both Glock magazines loaded to the full 10 rounds using the Maglula Uplula but for some reason all 4 of my Smith & Wesson magazines would only reach the 9 round mark and I could not use the loader to put the 10th round in, they would have to be done by hand. The Uplula actually came with the Smith & Wesson so I find that really strange. Not sure if anyone else has had this, but considering I have 4 magazines and they all do it I assume its a general mag issue. So far this is the only issue I have found with this device.
Overall the Maglula Uplula is worth the price and I would recommend buying one. They are a bit pricy I think around $55CDN but to me are still well worth the money and don’t imagine having to replace them very often at all. Most people my never have to. I have also noticed that in the USA they have different colour options as well. I haven’t seen any in Canada yet but I am sure they will be here soon if they aren’t already.
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Product Description
The UpLULA™ is a military-grade universal pistol magazine loader and unloader designed for loading and unloading virtually all* 9mm Luger up to .45ACP magazines, single and double stack and 1911’s of all manufacturers. It will also load most .380ACP double-stack mags. The UpLULA™ loader does it all easily, reliably, and painlessly!
- Loads all* 9mm Luger, .357 Sig, 10mm, .40, and .45ACP cal. single and double stack magazines., including 1911 mags, of all manufacturer, and also loads most .380ACP double-stack mags.
- One size fits all. No inserts, spacers or adjustments at all ! (One SKU)
- Easy loading; the rounds just drop in with no fingers pushing or pressing them.
- No more pain ! Load hundreds of rounds painlessly.
- Protects your fingers and mags.
- Up to one round per sec. loading rate. 1/3 the time loading several mags compared with thumb loading.
- Fits in hand and pocket, weighs only 72 grams (2.55 Ounce).
- Highly durable.
Loads the following mags: Astra, Auto Ordnance, Barak, Beretta, Browning, Bul, Colt, CZ, EAA, FN, Glock, HK, Hi-Point, High Standard, Jericho, Kahr, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Les Baer, Llama, Luger, Magnum Research, Para Ordnance, Pheonix Arms, Ruger, Sigma, Sig/Sauer, S&W, Springfield Armory, Star, Steyr, Taurus, Vector, Walther, and more.
The universal UpLULA™ loads the following mags :
Caliber | Magazine | Loading quality / comment |
Single Stack, 1911, & Double Stack | ||
9mm Luger | All pistol magazines in that caliber.* | Loads & unloads well ! |
.357 Sig. | All pistol magazines in that caliber. | Loads & unloads well ! |
10mm | All pistol magazines in that caliber. | Loads & unloads well ! |
.40 | All pistol magazines in that caliber. | Loads & unloads well ! |
.45 ACP | All pistol magazines in that caliber.* | Loads & unloads well ! |
It will also load the following .380 Single & Double Stack mags: | ||
.380 | Beretta 84 Cheetah | Loads & unloads well ! |
.380 | Bersa Thunder – Double Stack | Loads & unloads well ! |
.380 | CZ 83 | Loads & unloads well ! |
.380 | Glock .380 | Loads & unloads well ! |
.380 | Glock 42 | Loads & unloads well ! Our 1911AI™ is not needed. |
.380 | Ruger LC380 | Loads & unloads well ! (Try using our 1911AI ™ with the UpLULA ™ ) |
.380 | S&W Body Guard | Loads & unloads well ! (Can also use the BabyUpLULA ™ ) |
.380 | Walter PK380 | Loads & unloads well ! (Can also use the BabyUpLULA ™ ) |
* The UpLULA™ does NOT load the following:
S&W 7rd 9mm SS for models 908,3913,3913,3953 & 3954 (Beak too wide, does not enter between lips). It will load the S&W Shield magazine ! |
Glock G36 6rd .45 SS (Single Stack) (Beak will not come out of mag.) |
Kel Tec PMR-30 mags. |
Luger P08 (Parabellum) 9mm (round angle in mag too steep) |
Rounds longer than 33mm, like: 9×23 Win, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .357 Max., .41/.44 Rem. Mag., .44 S&W Special, .45 Colt, .45 Win Mag., .50AE. |
May not load the last round in few types of mags. |
Mags with less than 8.0mm between their lips. |
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