not a happy canada day

Not a Happy Canada Day!

not a happy Canada day

First of let me say this is not really a gun related post but wanted to get it off my chest.

I have been watching this individuals youtube videos for a couple of months now and I find a lot of what he has to say just makes sense.  I thought I would post his “Not a happy Canada day!” video because before I saw it I have been thinking about some of the points he brought up in the video and am also disappointed in some of our countries actions over the past few years and especially what the Liberals and Quebec have been up to.

Changing our national anthem is just silly.  I have the feeling our Prime Minister is just trying to keep his votes from the feminists.  Just as he wants to include women’s groups into our firearms debates.  To me its like spitting on the graves of the soldiers who fought for this country.  Women had a huge part in the wars of course but for the most part did not die on the battle field during world war I and that particular phrase in our anthem should not have been changed as it directly relates to them!

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Quebec changing the name of the park.  Just another LONG list of reasons why this province is basically a separate country already and should be set free to earn their own way in the world instead of feeding off the rest of the countries backs.  I don’t want to see a Canada that is separated in anyway but Quebec is pushing my limits in that regard.  They DO NOT deserve anything different than any other province in this country plain and simple.  They are not unique nor are they special.  I am sick and tired of hearing that the french speaking people of Quebec are a distinct society.  They are not!  I have a family member on my wife side that had trained to be a lawyer in Quebec and when finished she was told that she could not practice in Quebec because she was English speaking and not French!  What country do we live in!  She had to move to Ontario to open her business!  She left her father, sister and friends in Quebec because she was not allowed to do what she was trained to do in the province she was trained in!  She had lived their all her life!  Is this something we want to put up with in this country?

Don’t get me wrong I still believe this country is one of the best places in the world to live and I have traveled a fair amount but I don’t like the trend I am seeing.  Seem’s to be a lot of double standards and things as a country we need to put a stop to!

Anyway please watch the video and comment as I want to hear your thoughts.

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